Monday, October 30, 2006

How does a computer user organize an excel worksheet

1. On the right botto corner their's like a little black square just click hold it and drag it.

2. In the box very top edge some arrows are going to be in it just click on it and move it

3. Backspace, Delete

4. Go to Window Freeze Pane

5. Go to Window split

Friday, October 27, 2006

Excel vs. Word

The Microsoft Apllication that I like at this time would be Microsoft Word. I think that Microsoft Word would be the easiest of Microsoft Office because we know how to use it better. The advantages of word processing would be very easy we already know how to use a little bit of word so we it would be really easy to take the advantage.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Today we saw a video about a men who killed people. I think that is wrong because I don't like people killing people and this is really sad because I don't know even why people will do that for no reason. But I guess some people are crazy and stupid well thats How the world is.